​Editing and Tutoring Specifically For Students!
  1. Email your paper to writerighteditors@gmail.com as a .doc or .docx ​ ​attachment. ​
    Be sure to indicate in the subject of the email whether you need a 12 or 24 hour turnaround.
  2. ​You'll soon receive a PayPal invoice reflecting your paper's word count. Follow the link provided to complete your payment. 
  3. ​Sit back and relax! Your paper will be returned to you within your chosen time frame with all edits/comments made. Don't worry, you can accept or deny the edits at your own discretion. ​
Submitting Your Paper is Easy
Write Right's Regular Business Hours

Mon​​-Fri: 8:00am-10:00pm (Eastern Standard Time)
Sat-Sun: 10:00am-Midnight (Eastern Standard Time)

Submissions made outside of business hours will be delayed until the next day. ​​

Just a Tip
We recommend including a description or the prompt of your paper in the body of the emailThis is not required, but it does help our editors get a better idea of your project.